In many situations we don't want, or need, to work with all the data. Instead, we are only interested in a subset of the information. R provides several ways to access only parts of the data you have read in.
Perhaps the most common need is to filter your dataset to look at only that part which meets some criteria.
In R, this is most simply done using the subset
Let's look at just the female passengers:
> females <- subset(train, Sex == "female")
Note that we use ==
here as we want an equality (=
is used for assignment).
We can also use other comparisons.
The full set of options is:
Operator | Description |
< | less than |
<= | less than or equal to |
< | greater than |
<= | greater than or equal to |
== | exactly equal to |
!= | not equal to |
Select data for passengers who are not in first class with:
> commoners <- subset(train, Pclass > 1)
You can combine multiple filters using the logical operators &
for AND and |
for OR:
> female_commoners <- subset(train, Pclass > 1 & Sex == "female")
Sometimes it is more useful to refer to specific rows, columns, or both using the []
R interprets numbers within square brackets as [row, column].
So for example, train[1,2]
would return 0
as Mr. Owen Harris Braund (the first passenger in our table) sadly did not survive (the second column is Survived).
We can select a value using just rows, just columns, or both, using column/row numbers.
We can also ask for a set of rows or columns, referred to as a
slice, using :
For example to get all columns for the first 5 passengers (rows) use:
> train[1:5, ]
To get the first two columns for all passengers:
> train[, 1:2]
In these examples a blank entry for column or row selects all entries. If we want to exclude a line, for example if we believe Mr. Owen Harris Braund to have lied about his age, we can use a negative value:
> no_braund <- train[-1,]
You can also combine selections of both rows and columns:
> train[-1, 1:2]
This command would select the first two columns for everyone but that scandalous liar Braund.
Dealing with NAs
We have already seen that the Age column in our data contains many NA values. This can have an impact on calculations performed on the data. For example if we try to calculate the average age of passengers:
> mean(train$Age)
[1] NA
We can get a valid result if we remove all the NA values using:
> mean(train$Age, na.rm=TRUE)
[1] 29.69912
Rather than type this in every time we want to perform a calculation with the Age, it would be better to create a copy of the dataset but only including records with valid Age values. This can be done by using the following command:
> has_age <- train[!$Age), ]
This uses the
function on the Age column to create a filter that only selects the NA entries.
The !
works as a logical NOT - we don't want to keep these NA entries after all.
This filter can then be used in the same way as we previously used ranges like 1:2
to select only the rows we want to keep.
There is a handy function that removes any rows with NA entries:
> no_na <- na.omit(train)
Be careful when you use it however as it will remove rows even if the NA is in a column that you don't wish to process.
Saving processed data
Now that we have made changes to our data we will probably want to keep them available for future analysis sessions.
To save a CSV file we can use the write.csv
> write.csv(has_age, file='validated.csv')
Let's load up the file we saved using:
> validated <- read.csv('validated.csv')
Inspect validated
and you will see that we have a new and unwanted column X.
What has happened is that by default R saves a name for each row (we first encountered these when we examined the input data).
To prevent this use:
> write.csv(has_age, file='validated.csv', row.names=FALSE)